Blogs, Publications, and More
I’ve hosted and produced multiple podcasts, conducted interviews, edited videos, written and given speeches, and been published in online and print publications. I also write, assistant produce and manage operations for an online sketch comedy show.
The Hard Times 014
When the editors say there’s a sponsored call for headlines involving craft beer, it’s like Christmas morning.
Top 5 All Time: Beers of 2020
Oof. If there was ever a year that needed copious amounts of beer, it was 2020. Didn’t travel too much, but drank a lot. A LOT.
Top 5 All Time: Beers of 2019
I promised myself that when my child was born, I would seriously cut back on beer intake, spending, chasing, acquiring, trading, etc. I have tried to do that to the best of my ability, but the sweet sweet nectar's siren song has yet to release it's stranglehold on me.
Top 5 All Time: Beers of 2018
I'm not sure I can sustain making this list for too much longer. I try way too many different beers and refuse to document most of them
Top 5 All Time: Beers of 2017
As 2017 shows itself out the door like a houseguest that's overstayed it's welcome, it's time for one of my favorite exercises of the year.